The Grand Hotel i Swansea

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeThe Grand Hotel


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Ivey Place, SA1 1NX, Swansea, Swansea, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1792 645898
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Latitude: 51.6249298, Longitude: -3.9411868

kommentar 5

  • Bethan Sioux

    Bethan Sioux


    Lovely Hotel and Bar. We stayed here in between Christmas and New Year. The room was lovely room and comfortable. The price was reasonable and we would consider staying again.

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    Lorraine A


    Convenient location across from the station with parking nearby. A warm welcome on arrival. The room was an adequate double, clean and tidy. The windows don’t open and the air con is noisy so not especially comfortable, however the windows do their job in terms of shielding outside noise. I stayed on floor 2, noisy corridors as no carpet. As you’ll see on the pics the room and hotel is a little tired in places, could do with updating. Breakfast was fine, standard choices with a tasty Welsh rarebit option. For what I paid for an overnight, I’d say it was fine.

  • Austin Henderson

    Austin Henderson


    We want to move in 😃....most comfortable bed ever. Beautiful room, hot tub on decking. Fantastic views. Gorgeous brekkie. Fab friendly staff on reception, lovely helpful staff in restaurant and lovely bar staff to name one, Meg 😘 keep up the good work "The Grand" can't wait to come back x

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    Joe Flitton


    Very close to station. Nice size room with qeirky decor. Clean and tidy throughout and staff were present. Didn't stay for breakfast due to time but would stay again.

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    Norbert Deak


    I paid £95/night and expected a GRAND HOTEL quality as many times before in my life. I travelled a world and spend lots of nights in Grand Hotels but nothing like this. It was a small UK double size room. The view was awful into a wall next door what need a serious renovation. Bathroom was clean at first view but afterwards the grouting between the wall tiles was orange and yellow from previous usage.... So my summary is next time I will not going close to this "hotel". My expectations was 4/5*... reality was 1*. Premier inn will be much cheaper and comfortable size room. Any other way the staff was very helpful and kind. Location of the hotel is industrial.

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