Rose Park House i Londonderry

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeRose Park House


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53, Rosemount Avenue, BT48 0HL, Londonderry, Derry, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 28 7128 5962
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Latitude: 55.0036398, Longitude: -7.3337829

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jane Mckinlay


    Lovely place 2 stay very clean. food great .lovely people very friendly.would recommend.x

  • en

    Ciaran MacNamee


    Friendly, clean, b and b with great breakfast. Nice, comfortable room with ensuite. Hope to stay there again.

  • Colin Robinson

    Colin Robinson


    I've stayed in the rose park twice now and have had a very enjoyable stay both times. The single room is perfectly arranged and has everything you'll need. Beautiful breakfast in the morning to set you up for the day and the staff are very knowledgeable and friendly. Will most definitely be back next year. *****

  • Kieran McGrath

    Kieran McGrath


    Family run B&B with a very good atmosphere not too far from the city centre. Lovely ensuite rooms with televisions and showers. One of the staff had very good knowledge of local history and gave me a small map to point out places of interest.

  • Lydia Schlais

    Lydia Schlais


    This B&B was amazing! The rooms and beds were changed and cleaned everyday, the host was amazingly kind and courteous, and the breakfast was always fantastic and delicious. The house was also only about a 20 minute walk (or 5 minute taxi ride) from the busier parts of town. The host was even kind enough to take my friends and I on a trip to some prominent sites in Northern Ireland. I would recommend it to anyone!

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