Travelodge Derry i Londonderry

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeTravelodge Derry



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22-24, Strand Road, BT48 7AB, Londonderry, Derry, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 871 984 6234
internet side:
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Latitude: 54.9995199, Longitude: -7.3217744

kommentar 5

  • en

    Carolyn Connor


    Never again would I stay here! Dated is an understatement! Bathroom is rotten...worktop around the sink OMG minging! Tiles both on the floor and walls filthy. I asked for a quiet room with a bath, which wasn't ready so they offered us room 212 which she said was ok, noise level wouldn't be any worse than what we heard in reception so we accepted it. Little did we know or notice that there is a hotel being built right infront of the Travelodge....workmen, cranes, hammers etc in full swing from before 7am. Not the kind of thing you want to hear. Should have waited for a room around the back of the hotel which would have been quieter, but it would have probably been dated and needing upgrading as well. Travelodge would need to bring this hotel up to date with modern times and replace the furniture and wardrobe and bathroom.

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    Niámh McCormack


    Everytime I have stayed here for work, a man who works there with dark hair and glasses has been very disrespectful towards me. Anytime I enter the lobby he glares at me from afar or when I enquired for help he was very rude and unhelpful. Genuinely don't feel welcome here at all. Not to mention the hygiene standards are absolutely rancid. I hadn't even used my bath yet and there was black dirt stuck all over it. Every radiator is smothered in a few layers thick of dust. At this rate I feel like sleeping in the street.

  • en

    Ross Walker


    Meant to be staying up for work with a reputable telecommunications company and had the hotel prepaid, arrived at reception and a fella with glasses told me i had to book another room.

  • David Whannel

    David Whannel


    Nice central location and directly linked to the Quayside car park on level 3 via a couple of steps, which they have a deal with the office on the ground floor level for, was £10 for 24hrs for me. Room I stayed in was a touch dated by Travelodge standards, but quieter than others. Nice views of the church lit up at night. Tap water didn't taste too great, though that could be the whole area. Staff were great.

  • Lee Czaban

    Lee Czaban


    Standard Travelodge hotel. Location is great! Right in the middle of the city, close to everything. Staff were friendly and helpful. Room was nice and clean. No complaints.

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