Swansea Marriott Hotel i Swansea

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeSwansea Marriott Hotel



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Maritime Quarter, Swansea SA1 3SS, Storbritannien
kontakter telefon: +44 1792 642020
internet side: www.marriott.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 51.613717, Longitude: -3.944221

kommentar 5

  • Neculai Balanica

    Neculai Balanica


    Clean, great breakfast. Friendly staff. Recommended

  • en

    Mary Heather Verzaal


    Lovely cozy hotel with a professional and kind staff. We had a long journey to get there, and they allowed us to check in a little early by getting the room cleaned quickly. The hotel is in a great location to explore Swansea, and other local destinations are a short bus ride away. We really enjoyed our stay, and if we are fortunate enough to make it back one day, we will definitely choose the Marriott.

  • Michael Scott

    Michael Scott


    Room a little dated but very comfortable stay, good food in the restaurant and access to the gym down the road to supplement the existing facilities.

  • Lee M

    Lee M


    We booked a room with two double beds and were put into a lovely room on the third floor, but unfortunately it had a double and a sofa-bed, which didn't work for us. We were told it was due to overbooking. We asked to be moved and were put into a room on the second floor, with two doubles, which wasn't as nice, although it was OK. That said, the room service pizzas and the breakfast in the morning were excellent.

  • Dominic Quirk

    Dominic Quirk


    Good breakfast but room was pretty basic and bathroom dated. Scaffolding across the front of the building when we were there. The hotel is in a good location beside the marina with lots of free parking and the staff were very helpful and friendly..

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