The Chester Grosvenor Hotel i Chester

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Det Forenede KongerigeThe Chester Grosvenor Hotel



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Eastgate Street, CH1 1LT, Chester, Cheshire West and Chester, GB Reino Unido
kontakter telefon: +44 1244 324024
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Latitude: 53.1907, Longitude: -2.88905

kommentar 5

  • en

    Bruno OGHITTU


    We were treated like royalty during our stay at the Chester Grosvenor. The old-world feel of the hotel brought us back a couple centuries in time. The service at La Brasserie was a bit slow, which would be our only complaint. A very enjoyable weekend in a sumptuous hotel!

  • en

    Jessica Baxter


    Upon first arrival you're welcomed by very friendly and accommodating staff into a lobby that mirrors it's history through it's interior and truly spectacular grand staircase encircling an exquisite chandelier. Your luggage is taken up to your room whilst you check-in and your car is chauffeured to the car park - a very nice welcome. In comparison to the lobby, however, our room wasn't as spectacular, it seemed a little worn and tired. Then it just felt like the hotel was squeezing you for every penny. To begin with, we were told there was an offer for 25% off spa treatments, however, upon check out we were then informed it only applied to certain treatments and paid the full price - a communication issue? For full access to the spa facilities you have to pay an additional £35, which we were extremely disappointed about since having stayed in hotels for a far cheaper price with spa facilities inculded. They also provide complimentary tea and coffee in your room, as expected, yet think you'll happily pay £5 to use the half pint of milk they provide in the fridge! And then a cup of tea for two downstairs was £7... Of course, you expect to pay a little more for a historic city centre hotel, however, it was the first time we'd walked away from a place feeling dispirited and slightly robbed. I guess you're paying for a 'luxury' they provide, I'd just like to know what cows they're getting their milk from...

  • Aaron Crowe

    Aaron Crowe


    I photographing a charity event last night and was included in the sit down meal. The food was fantastic, the staff very attentive. Very good venue. The only small issue was they never answered the phone before I arrived (I wanted to know about the car parking situation, I ended up parking across town as I couldn't get an answer)

  • es

    Rafael Cerquera


    Un gran hotel. Un servicio exquisito con un personal muy amable

  • es

    Becca Rosr



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