The Mill Hotel & Spa i Chester

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeThe Mill Hotel & Spa



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Milton Street, CH1 3NF, Chester, Cheshire West and Chester, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1244 350035
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Latitude: 53.1936766, Longitude: -2.8845615

kommentar 5

  • en

    Henry Gregg


    Only dropped in for a drink with the better half. The bar is well staffed with comfortable seating. The beer was lovely. Only 1 snag.......try ordering beer and a latte at the same time and you have to queue up to 2 different tills to pay for each drink that you ordered from 2 separate people.

  • Alistair Farrugia

    Alistair Farrugia


    Loved it - good food, great staff, very convenient spa facilities and the location is fantastic. A special mention to the staff who go out of their way to help you. Keep it up. View from our room on south wing was nice too.

  • Stuart Cotton

    Stuart Cotton


    Excellent hotel and spa. The facilities are exactly how you would want them to be. No real bad points except the toilet paper dispenser in the bathroom is more like in a cheap public toilet and not of a nice hotel and the walls are paper thin, I could hear them fart in the room next door. There are 7 rooms with balconies overlooking the canal we were in 522 and if you can grab 1 of these rooms you'll enjoy the additional outdoor space, worth asking when booking as it improves your stay immeasurably.

  • keefwirral1



    Great location near railway station and town centre. Nice pool and gym. lovely breakfast reasonable price bar vet friendly and helpful staff. Room was basic (standard room) but you can upgrade. I would have give 5* but the room was so hot with heating off and couldn't open window as very busy road was just out side. Would Deffo stay again and up grade room next time

  • Rebecca Harman

    Rebecca Harman


    Excelled hotel. Warm, cosy, very clean. Fab customer services from all staff. Situated in a great area regarding convenience of shops and historical area. Pretty setting on the canal. Food excellent. Easy parking. Can't wait to go back

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