The Great Victoria Hotel i Bradford

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeThe Great Victoria Hotel


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Bridge Street, BD1 1JX, Bradford, West Yorkshire, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1274 728706
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Latitude: 53.7921359, Longitude: -1.7502446

kommentar 5

  • en

    stuart blackwood


    Very expensive for what you get, wine is very overpriced for what it is. Rooms are nice though but not enough food put on for breakfast

  • Andrew Armitage

    Andrew Armitage


    A team day was organised at the Great Victoria. We used a large conference room, refreshments were served in the morning and afternoon, and a buffet lunch was served. The conference room was ill-suited to our needs. The stage was of modest height, and consequently only those sat on the front row were able to see the bottom third of the images protected on the screen on the stage. Refreshments were served in the hotel lobby. At those times the lobby was VERY crowded. It occurred to me that if I were a guest at the hotel, I would have found any interaction with the front desk at this time to be very difficult. I had to check six toilet cubicles before I found one which was (1) lit, (2) had a working lock and (3) had a coat hook. Two out of three was not good enough! I need to do physio exercises due to back pain. The receptionist was unable to offer me a private space to do this, I ultimately did my physio in a semi-secluded public area behind the lift shaft, visible to anybody using the stairs. I had no issues with any of the staff who were professional and courteous at every interaction.

  • en

    lesley mckeown


    Just attend my brothers wedding ... most enjoyable. Highly recommended .. lovely venue .. staff and the meal / buffet was lovely x

  • Gary Mellor

    Gary Mellor


    Although I haven't stayed here yet, I called in with a dead phone whilst in Bradford and asked to borrow a charger for 10 minutes. I was helped by Robert on reception and Laura who was working the rooms that day. They were very friendly and helpful and whilst I waited for my phone to charge, told me about the facilities and special nights that were held at the hotel. I was sold, and on their recommendation, I intend to return for a stay. Great staff. An asset to the business. :)

  • Siddique Hussain

    Siddique Hussain


    Booking and reception was excellent. Quick check in and check out. Rooms were very good plus breakfast was great as usual. Staff very helpful. Plus they have their own FREE car park. Old traditional hotel with a modern decor.

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