The Waterside Hotel i Inverness

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeThe Waterside Hotel


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19, Ness Bank, IV2 4SF, Inverness, Highland, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1463 233065
internet side:
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Latitude: 57.4729877, Longitude: -4.2272941

kommentar 5

  • Jake Lester

    Jake Lester


    Definitely spring for the breakfast. Staff friendly and efficient.

  • en

    Jim Robinson


    Great central location friendly staff nice room

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    Simon Pearce


    I've stayed at The Waterside nearly every week with work for the past 2 to 3 years. Always welcomed warmly and the food is beautiful. Very pleasant staff who represent the Hotel and restaurant so well. Thank you to you all.

  • Kristy Thornton

    Kristy Thornton


    Good location: less than 10 minute walk along the River Ness to the town centre. The room was very spacious and reasonable though cold, so we needed the space heater provided. Included breakfast was substantial and delicious, but the best part was the shower! High water pressure and one tap, thank goodness. I'd certainly recommend this as a very good budget accommodation.

  • en



    I did not pick this hotel. It was assigned to me. Overall, I liked it but unfortunately, you can hear everyone out in the hall. The breakfasts were good. It was right zeroes from the river and up the street from restUrants, shopping, grocery store, and mall. I enjoyed my stay. The staff was very nice! I would definitely stay there again.

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