Willowbeck Lodge i Scotby

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeWillowbeck Lodge


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Lambley Bank, CA4 8BX, Scotby, Cumbria, GB Reino Unido
kontakter telefon: +44 1228 513607
internet side: www.willowbeck-lodge.com
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Latitude: 54.8874484, Longitude: -2.8747266

kommentar 5

  • en

    Thibaut Knockaert


    A charming hotel, managed by a lovely family. Very and very clean room. Will come back here for sure on future trips to Carlisle !

  • en

    Saunders Richardson


    Beautiful setting, lovely atmosphere, really enjoyed spending the night here on stop off between watching rugby in wales and Scotland

  • Nicholas Gribben

    Nicholas Gribben


    Great place to stop for something to eat and not far from the M6. Wouldn't mind going for a weekend away here in future. It's tucked away behind some trees with a pond and is very picturesque. Staff were very helpful and polite. All in all, a great place to go.

  • en

    Ross Meeker


    My wife and I recently completed a week-long vacation in northern England. We stayed at the Willowbeck Lodge for five nights and thoroughly enjoyed it. The lodge is beautifully situated, the rooms are wonderful, and the breakfast was superb. I don't have a negative thing to say. You won't be disappointed. If you are fortunate enough to be staying when dinner is offered you should avail yourselves of that opportunity. We had an excellent dining experience. I concur with anyone who says that the Willowbeck is an 11 out of 10. Andrew and Sarah are wonderful hosts.

  • Stuart St John

    Stuart St John


    Great coffee stop on a ride out from Penrith. Interesting architecture. Heated floor is great if you have cold feet from winter riding! The staff were very friendly and accepting of three middle-aged duffers dressed in lycra who need to refuel and warm up.

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