YHA Cambridge i Cambridge

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeYHA Cambridge



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97, Tenison Road, CB1 2DN, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 345 371 9728
internet side: www.yha.org.uk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.196824, Longitude: 0.135487

kommentar 5

  • Suzi Strickson

    Suzi Strickson


    Very friendly staff and amazing food at a very reasonable price. Will definitely visit again soon.

  • Fouad El Talhaouy

    Fouad El Talhaouy


    Lovely staff. Nice place for short stay. I like the fully equipped kitchen.

  • Sanne Bruggink

    Sanne Bruggink


    Nice and polite staff. Close to train station and small walk to centre. Decent breakfast and other food options in kantine. Rooms are big, beds were great. Locker is very big (bring your own lock). Only thing that I would prefer is a big washroom to get ready in the morning. Single shower was little small. Know one had to get ready whilst everyone else was asleep, since the sink was in the room (blow drying hair, brushing teeth). But I guess this also has benefits and I personally wasnt really bothered by this with my earplugs

  • Ashish Patil

    Ashish Patil


    Location of hostel is just 10 minutes walk from bus stop and few mins more for punting and university. YHA Cambridge has maintained their rooms cleaned and in excellent condition. Staff was good. Bathrooms were cleaned but one I took shower was having some lighting problems. Hence 4 star. Overall my experience was great.

  • en

    JJ L


    I liked the cleanliness of the whole place. Staff were professional and the young tall blonde chef at breakfast was friendly and bothered to ask about why I was visiting. Deputy manager seemed very calm and polite even when queues were long. I liked the information on the walls. Up to date and useful. Overall, I would recommend to any traveller for a weekend away. As an experienced hostel user, offering earplugs for a small fee or free would improve the sleep experience. Unfortunately, I happened to have two loud snorers in my dorm. Just a small suggestion as this is offered in one other hostel in London.

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