All Star Lanes i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeAll Star Lanes



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95, Brick Lane, E1 6QL, London, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7426 9200
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.521795, Longitude: -0.07184

kommentar 5

  • Ryan Cormack

    Ryan Cormack


    Good bowling alley with several lanes. Best to book though. There is a good choice of beers and other drinks. They do good bar food too. Can be expensive but they frequently have offers on during the week. They have an area upstairs that you can hire too, which is great for parties or company meetings

  • Chris McClelland

    Chris McClelland


    The food and drinks are fine if you that’s what you are coming here for. However, bowling is chaos. The employees overseeing the bowling alley do not care about rambunctious guests. We were trying to bowl and the bowing in the lane next to us threw their ball across into our lane on multiple occasions. Furthermore, the other guests stole the balls we were using and the employees did not help us in getting them back. Avoid at all costs if going for the intent of a peaceful evening of bowling.

  • en

    Dave Maguire


    Really good venue for bowling, but also for good and drinks making it a great place to spend a few hours. The bar and restaurant have a good selection of beers and wines and food too. The bowling area has its own bar and table service and the small number of lanes makes it a great place to bowl

  • en

    Andy Ball


    Whilst there's not many lanes for bowling the venue and atmosphere are great. The choice and quality of the food are far superior to what I expected too. You'll certainly have a good night.

  • Mateusz Labuda

    Mateusz Labuda


    Good vibe but appaling value. Food arrived cold and despite dining in, couldn't play more than one game (15min)... For which we were charged 2x £10 as apparently two people played... It's cheaper to bowl alone at All Star Lanes. So, overall 2 burgers some cold ribs couple of drinks and 15 min of bowling for £100. Staff was friendly.

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