Bloomsbury Lanes i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeBloomsbury Lanes



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Bedford Way, WC1H 9EU, London, Greater London, GB Vereinigtes Königreich
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7183 1979
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.5239668, Longitude: -0.1283823

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jenjilla Chuaiprasit


    Overall great time. The customer service was good and the price reasonable for central London. We got pitchers of beer and hotdogs. The toilets however were disgusting. The ladies had period on the seat and toilet roll 🤢 considering we were there between 9-11pm, when I checked the cleaning schedule on the wall it said they were last cleaned at 2pm. This could definitely do with improving. Had a great time, but generally if you go anywhere with good friends you’re guaranteed to have a good time.

  • Eligijus Rupšys

    Eligijus Rupšys


    A very cosy entertainment centre, with nice food, lot of drink options and amazing bowling with much more arcade like games.

  • Scott D

    Scott D


    Attempting to pay for confirmed booking at this place is total joke. Waiting on hold over 40min then lane already booked was re sold. Attempted 4 calls over a week. Don't bowl here! True disappointment. Worst customer service ever.

  • en

    Francesco D`angiolillo


    Nice place where to spend a night out. Has got 4 karaoke rooms, a pool and a few bowling lanes. The pizza is nice and the service at the bar too, they have been so nice helping us in everything we needed. Will definitely recommend. Got only four stars because the waiting time of the activities it was of at least 2 hours.

  • Claire Wu

    Claire Wu


    Booked the largest karaoke room for a group of friends and had an amazing time! Song selection was up to date and varied enough for everyone to find a song they liked. We enjoyed the cool window showing the inner workings of the bowling lanes, and there was even air con! Price also excellent for central London - thanks Bloomsbury Bowling for a great day out.

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