Hotel ibis London Elstree Borehamwood w Borehamwood

Zjednoczone KrólestwoHotel ibis London Elstree Borehamwood


brak informacji

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Elstree Way, WD6 1JY, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, GB Storbritannien
kontakt telefon: +44 20 8736 2600
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 51.6599178, Longitude: -0.2660179

komentarze 5

  • Sunil Nair

    Sunil Nair


    Ideal location for visiting Elstree studios with plenty of parking space. Hotel itself is neat and tidy. Great care from staff throughout the stay. I'm very satisfied.

  • Rob White

    Rob White


    Had an 8 night stay while working locally. My room was quiet, and despite working late into the morning was undisturbed. The room was very clean and all the staff were great and very helpful. There is a leisure Center next door, a big and other shops locally. For the price I'm very happy.

  • Amanda Wood

    Amanda Wood


    A bit noisy at night but that's more to do with the other guests than the hotel. The staff were just lovely, the room was cosy & clean with plenty of tea bags. The breakfast was really good, lots of choice & refilled regularly. An extra bonus is that breakfast is served until 12 at weekends! Perfect to come back to after a 4am start to queue for Strictly tickets as it is less than 5 minutes walk from the studio. There are limited car park spaces but you can park in the public car park for £1 if you get a voucher from reception. I'll definitely stay there again if I manage to get Strictly tickets again next year!

  • en

    Lin C


    On Sunday was Invited to attend 50 years celebration of Ibis around the world. Friendly staff, great jazz music, wonderful drinks especially the non alcoholic cocktails ...... cleanliness observed from lounge to lavatory. Hospitable Manager with the perfect attitude. Greeted us warmly and hurried to catch us as we were leaving to find out how we felt and asked for any improvements. Response was "None this evening". Even when I asked for drinkable hot water and the young service staff didn't have a clue. I presume No one has ever requested it before. Then the bar tender came after 3rd attempt with the perfect hot water. Willing to learn and please the clientele. 👏👌

  • Julian Mason

    Julian Mason


    Great one night stay for the price! Easy check-in/out. Friendly helpful staff, breakfast was good, usual English/Continental fare. Great room, clean and quiet. We also got a free bottle of sparkling wine! We were using public transport so walked from/to Elstree & Borehamwood station, its about 15-minutes.

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