Romanys Ltd i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeRomanys Ltd



🕗 åbningstider

51, Brewer Street, W1F 9UQ, London, Greater London, GB Storbritannien
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7437 4989
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Latitude: 51.5116316, Longitude: -0.1353077

kommentar 5

  • Martha Yaneth

    Martha Yaneth


    I went to buy a paint and I asked for a good quality they sold me a very dirty and bad quality paint and didn’t wanted to change it or give a refund, not only expensive but also very rude and unfriendly people. AVOID!!!!

  • en

    Esam Dawood


  • en

    lewis moonie


    Very helpful staff. Friendly and efficient. Found what I needed.

  • Christopher Matthew

    Christopher Matthew


    A very wide range of DIY goods of all types but staff seem to be annoyed that you're there. 'The boss' couldn't be bothered to get up off his stool to help me find something when I was having difficulty - just kept saying 'it's over there' then stared into space. Then it was a matter of twisting his arm to find out if I could return something if it wasn't right. If service matters to you as it does to me, avoid this place.

  • Russtafa B

    Russtafa B


    Very good local ironmongers. Good range of cupboard hinges and other decent quality hardware. Invaluable for anyone in the West End who needs to do some repair work or similar. Staff could be a bit friendlier, but they are quite knowledgable.

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