Tokei Martial Arts and Fitness Centre i London

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Det Forenede KongerigeTokei Martial Arts and Fitness Centre



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28, Magdalen Street, SE1 2EN, London, Greater London, GB Wielka Brytania
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7403 5979
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Latitude: 51.5035408, Longitude: -0.0813117

kommentar 5

  • Low Iishan

    Low Iishan


    Great, no frills gym that meets most needs. People are friendly and classes are great. The Sanda Kickercise class on Thursdays are a workout and really great fun. Instructors and regulars all very welcoming to beginners like myself. Won't find better value anywhere else.

  • Mike McConnell

    Mike McConnell


    While it's not some super chrome finished techno blasting chain gym, those are actually quite positive things. When it's quiet you can get on with it and when it's busy there is a good atmosphere.

  • en

    Han Tsoi


    Tuesday Judo session is an excellent place to push your judo and cardio. Heartily recommended.

  • David Allen

    David Allen


    A spit and sawdust type gym and fitness centre hidden away just off Tooley Street. The membership is cheap and the quality of the classes is excellent but don't expect any frills, this is a proper gym. The gym itself is not that big and the machines were old, There was a good selection of free weights when I was a member 1 year ago. The best thing is the classes, they alone are well worth the membership fee. The staff are all very nice and due to the small size of the gym there is a friendly vibe where everyone knows everyone.

  • Ken Liu

    Ken Liu


    You don't get glossy posters of fitness models peering out at you. There is no rack of magazines "inspiring" you. You don't get fluffy towels. If all this makes you go "YES!" - head to Tokei, one of the best places for martial arts and fitness training in London.

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