Toolstation Coventry i Coventry

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeToolstation Coventry



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Courtaulds Way, CV6 5NX, Coventry, West Midlands, GB Storbritannien
kontakter telefon: +44 808 100 7211
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.4256109, Longitude: -1.5042409

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sam Bodinnar


    Don't order in store for delivery, I went in on Thursday and they were you of stock it as for a bouncy castle repair for saturday, they said they could guarantee next day delivery on the parts if I paid there and then, I stayed in ALL day the next day but nobody turned up, we had to run our event one castle short, come home and still no delivery, three days late I call Toolstation to be told they tried to deliver ..... hmmmm we have a 30ft drive with giant bay windows and there were five people in the front room all day - we also have CCTV on the house which clearly shows nobody coming to the house! To make matters worse I now can't get my parcel as the driver has 'claimed' to have put a note through the door but given the CCTV proves that no-one has been to my door I can't even get my parcel as a note wasn't left! In a nut shell because a delivery driver couldn't be bothered to attempt the delivery we have lost out on an event this weekend. I will be taking civil action for this as I can prove the delivery was not attempted and the card being left was nothing more than a fabricated lie.

  • Alexandru Razvan

    Alexandru Razvan


    All you need. Recommand

  • Paweł Szmigielski

    Paweł Szmigielski


    Helpful staff. Great selection. Reasonable prices.

  • en

    James Rice


    Very quick service at reasonable prices

  • en

    Paul Palmer


    I arrived at 07:05 on a Saturday morning to be greeted by two guys who were keen to help me find what I was looking for. They were both cheerful and extremely helpful and I'll definitely be going back! Oh, the prices were great as well

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