Wilko i Coventry

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeWilko



🕗 åbningstider

Cathedral Lane Shopping Centre, Broadgate, Coventry CV1 1LL, Storbritannien
kontakter telefon: +44 24 7655 9355
internet side: stores.wilko.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.408053, Longitude: -1.509542

kommentar 5

  • Molly Hae

    Molly Hae


    Lot's of cheap household supplies. Got most of mine from here. Also great stationary and art supplies also - very aesthetically pleasing. Always long queques though which i do not like. And I've heard bad things about their pet supplies being harmful, although i can not prove this and do not know if it is true - its scared me from buying things for my Hamster from here though.

  • en

    shareen nawaz


    Great customer service. Variety of products

  • en



    cashiers are so slow, be queuing for ages to the point where you want to go in front of the till and scan the items yourself. im surprised my legs havent fallen off like my patience. self checkout is needed!!!!!!

  • John Lippiatt

    John Lippiatt


    Always excellent to get back to the lowest prices... I bought toothpaste elsewhere recently for £5 and then saw the same item in Wilko for £1 ! Amazing... love the shop...

  • en

    Sharanjeet Kaur


    wonderful stuff but unfortunately staff is racist and very very rude. I will think twice before going. if you doesn't look like British the security guard chase you and make you very uncomfortable as if you are stealing something. I would prefer going home bargain or savers.

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