A-Z Electrical & Hardware i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeA-Z Electrical & Hardware



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32, Maddox Street, W1S 1PU, London, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7629 5088
internet side: a-zstore.co.uk
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Latitude: 51.5129519, Longitude: -0.1424051

kommentar 5

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    Dom Ko


    Come here if I’m working in the area, always helpful even if there is a slight wait for service. Prices are high but what you would expect for a central location. I feel as though the prices I paid were not bad.

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    Rob Greaves


    AVOID! Been here a few times now, and been mis-sold every single time. The people who work there seem pretty clueless, and their favourite catch phrase seems to be "don't worry, it's a standard size", especially when pointing out the most expensive option they've got. To top it all off, no refunds.

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    simon r


    I have been a regular customer for many years and never had any problems , I ordered a fan yesterday and the owner phoned me earlier today to say it was in and would be £35 for the 12 inch desk fan- I told him i would 100% be in before they close to pay and collect. i just went in and he told me I`m a bit late so there is only 1 left and it s£60!! as a point of principle i left without the fan and they have now lost a long standing customer !! - THE GENERAL MANAGER HAS SINCE CALLED TO SAY THAT ACTUALLY THE £35 WAS PLASTIC AND THE CHROME ONE WAS £60, THEY DID HAVE A PLASTIC ONE OUT THE BACK ALBEIT THIS WAS NEVER EXPLAINED TO ME AND ORIGINALLY AS WOULD ONLY OF WANTED A CHROME ONE.

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    As far as little hardware stores go this is a pretty good shop. It can get quite busy sometimes, so you might have to wait to be served but the staff are usually pretty good.

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    Juliana Moola


    bought something yesterday very helpful assistant. Had to return it today as wrong item, in exactly the same condition as it was purchased and the person serving was extremely reluctant to give me a refund and made it as hard as possible to do so. Will not shop here again

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