A-Z Electrical & Hardware i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeA-Z Electrical & Hardware



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60, Brewer Street, W1F 9TN, London, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7494 0671
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Latitude: 51.51133, Longitude: -0.13613

kommentar 5

  • en

    juan perez


    Extremely rude staff, i don't recommend this store to anyone, think twice before buying anything pricey here because they don't do refunds. leyland on shaftesbury avenue is a much better store and with great costumer service.

  • en

    Sally Maddoxs


    Extremely rude and unhelpful!!!! Avoid like the plague!

  • en

    Brigida Cassione Redmond


    I am an usual customer of this shop it's been a long time and have always been well assisted and the service was amazing. But today, I just had an awful experience as the senior shop assistant was extremely rude! They newbie who was assiting me was kind and competent, but the other one who seems to be a manager or so treated me and some other customers as if we were bothering him for wanting to spend out money there! It's a shame but I'm seeing the competitor from now on.

  • en



    Pros: Cheapest Key Cutter in Central London I've fund so far. Almost half the price of the others. Cons: Staff were slow to serve and took 25 minutes to cut my key cos they were chatting on the phone or making deals in store with suppliers. I was told 10 minutes and had to come back twice which made me very late for a job. If they can improve their attitude towards customer service I will give them more stars. Verdict: Cheapest key cutting around but make sure you leave extra time as they're not in a rush.

  • Bea Maggipinto

    Bea Maggipinto


    very handy, it's rare to find these kind of shops lately!

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