Gould Hopkins & Purvis i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeGould Hopkins & Purvis


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12, D'Arblay Street, W1F 8DU, London, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7437 4191
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Latitude: 51.5146126, Longitude: -0.1362804

kommentar 5

  • en

    Maintenance Veeve


    Not helpful. Rude staff

  • en

    Secrtet Santa


    Goulds grate place to pick up all the bits you need to get on with the task at hand with a grate selection of material hid out the back of the store. Yogi and Ram are quite a pear yogi is a little hard of hearing so you may need to raise your voice a little and if you need tools then Ram is your man. It's like going in to the real life OPEN ALL HOURS store. Yer sometimes yogi can come across as little abrupt but don't let that put you off he is a really nice guy and on the hole they are both very friendly funny and happy to help.

  • Oisín O'Regan

    Oisín O'Regan


    I went in asking for some screws to fix a table with. I had some pictures on my phone and also began to describe the size of the screws I wanted but was met with instant disdain and negativity as I did not have exact measurements or sizes.... I was in disbelief to be honest. I would have had a guess if the Asian gentlemen was willing to even the discuss the matter but he was well just ... rude and unhelpful. "I can't go downstairs and bring up all the screws..." So to conclude, screw you Goulds!

  • Russtafa B

    Russtafa B


    Most of the local businesses round here use Gould's sometime or the other. Currently Yogi and Ram run the shop and they are both really nice chaps. I have been in there often and people come in, do not know what they want and are rude and abrupt. Guess the people that 'know their stuff' feel perfectly comfortable buying goods at Goulds. They keep a wide range of stuff and I have often got myself out of a jam on a Saturday. Important fact to remember that the shop closes up at 2pm on a Saturday. This is an invaluable local shop if you are doing some form of building work or the other. Yogi, the guy without the glasses cannot hear so well, so speak up and he will be good to help you out. Yes, use this shop all the time

  • Pablo Fuentes

    Pablo Fuentes


    - Would I recommend this shop to a friend? no! - Would I come back to the shop? no way! - Was the customer service good? haha No. I don't think the guy over there knows what customer service means The shop assistant and/or owner didn't wan't to help at all. He was very uncooperative and looked that he had an attitude, which made him being super dude and made me feel uncomfortable. I give just one star because that's the minimum I could give you. Good luck mate!

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