Jurys Inn Glasgow i Glasgow

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeJurys Inn Glasgow


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80, Jamaica Street, G1 4QG, Glasgow, Glasgow City, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 141 314 4800
internet side: www.jurysinns.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 55.8568843, Longitude: -4.257713

kommentar 5

  • Sharon Goodson

    Sharon Goodson


    Really good hotel, one of the best Jury’s Inns I’ve stayed at. Comfortable clean room and a great bar with a lively atmosphere. An oasis within a scary fast paced city.

  • Emre Ak

    Emre Ak


    The staff were really kind and friendly I have no bad comments about the staff but I do have something to about the hotel. I always heard my neighbours from 3 different sides, I could hear one using a bath, one using the urinal. And my room we situated at pointing towards the bridge which did bring in a nice view but it was just by the train line so for every five minutes I could hear the the trains passing. Probably won't be coming back. Thumbs up to the staff, they were great.

  • Gary Smith

    Gary Smith


    It was our wedding anniversary. Meeting up with our children. From the moment we checked in everything was perfect. A wee upgrade, a bottle of sparkling wine and the smiliest staff made it a very special occasion. Jury's is a great brand in the UK. It never fails to deliver. Be Happy.

  • norman macsween

    norman macsween


    Great cental location and easy parking across the street. Rooms are very nice and clean. We stayed for two nights and had a great nights sleep on both of them.

  • Duncan Moffat

    Duncan Moffat


    Stayed overnight for an event at the classic grand. Location was perfect. Rooms were large, clean and comfortable although the view was directly at the train station. I would recommend and will use again

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