Novotel Glasgow Centre Hotel i Glasgow

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeNovotel Glasgow Centre Hotel


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181, Pitt Street, G2 4DT, Glasgow, Glasgow City, GB Wielka Brytania
kontakter telefon: +44 141 619 9001
internet side:
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Latitude: 55.8642871, Longitude: -4.2655079

kommentar 5

  • Ying Hau

    Ying Hau


    Good location with many shops and restaurants within 5-10 minutes walk. Staff are friendly and efficient. On site paid underground parking is available but limited to about 20 cars (first come, first served) - £8 (more for non-hotel guests) each time you leave the hotel car park. You get a coin token each time you pay at the hotel reception. There is no daily parking rate.

  • Kimberly Topping

    Kimberly Topping


    I've only stayed 1 night out of 6. But so far so good. Bed is lovely. Room is clean. No noise. I. Looking forward to trying the other facilities

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    Pauline Chalmers


    Attended here for one day to do training for my work. We were fed through the dsy which was very good, especially the great lunch we had. Very good tea & coffee selection. The staff were nice. All round very good experience.

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    Richard Carson


    We had an overnights stay and had a lovely welcome from the front desk staff. Our children were given soft toys, our dog some treats and a ball to play with. The room was a good size and comfortable. We didn't eat in the restaurant in the evening so can't comment there. Breakfast was very good!!! I would go back!

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    Daniel Hand


    Great, convenient stay. Near lots of take away places and restaurants. Closer to the side of town with a younger crowd but walking distance to the main centre. Friendly staff, excellent buffet breakfast and a modern establishment. Lacking minor touches like an in-room safe, joined toilet to the bathroom and place in the shower for your wash bits. Overall, a great short stay. (Review based on a family room)

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