Leyland SDM i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeLeyland SDM



🕗 åbningstider

6-8, Warwick Way, SW1V 1RU, London, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7828 8695
internet side: leylandsdm.co.uk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 51.4925387, Longitude: -0.1384541

kommentar 5

  • Kiss Tesfay

    Kiss Tesfay


    They NEVER pick up the phone, so it is incredibly difficult to find out about a product(s) before having to physically go to the shop. Some of the staff are incompetent and don’t know about the products. AT LEAST THEY SHOULD PICK UP THE DAMN PHONE!! The staff in other Leyland’s are much more competent/ Knowledgeable and Friendly. What a shame! they definitely need to replace this appalling staff members!

  • en

    Lynden Foster


    Friendly and knowledgeable staff, good range of products, ok prices

  • William Healey

    William Healey


    Friendly staff, good selection of cleaning supplies. My go-to for One Shot when the drain gets blocked by my housemate.

  • en

    Johnny Haddock


    They have a good range of tools and materials and the staff are always very helpful with advice or finding what I need.

  • Maria Lakota Sioux

    Maria Lakota Sioux


    Friendly and knowledgeable staff. I usually find what I need. Good neighborhood shop.

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