Tool Shop i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeTool Shop



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97, Lower Marsh, SE1 7AB, London, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7207 2077
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Latitude: 51.501373, Longitude: -0.111843

kommentar 5

  • Perry Clark

    Perry Clark


    Update: This place just gets worse, look how expensive this bulb is. I got two from Leyland Shaftesbury Avenue for £5.38 and these guys want £7.99 for one!!! He told me it’s central London prices and if I don’t like it go elsewhere. So I did and hopefully you do too

  • en

    Dipesh Meisuria


    I called up asking if they sold a certain tool at a specific length, they confirmed. Went all the way to the shop and they didn't have any item of that length. Wasted my time.

  • en

    Ashley Rai


    For somewhere right in the middle of London the choice here is amazing. Little you can't find if you need it.

  • Sebastiaan Douma

    Sebastiaan Douma


    DO NOT SHOP HERE. I can't believe the complete lack of customer care they displayed. Simply selling me a product that is not what I asked for (I asked for plain grey window film, they sold me patterned) and then refusing to offer a refund. When questioning this all they could say was the person that helped wasn't here and i could come back tomorrow (even though i'm sure I saw the guy in the back). He then became rude and wrote a credit note only to be used in his store. Prices are extortionate at £20 for a flushing mechanism anyway so in short I discourage anyone from shopping here.

  • Karl Martel

    Karl Martel


    You have the best staff, hands down. How they keep their whole team that customer focused is a mystery. They are knowledgeable, attentive and helpful without being overbearing. Their selection is limited when compared to the big box stores, as you might imagine, but they have a good selection of high end accessories and low end necessities that perfect for an upscale neighborhood hardware store. As a part of the Ace Hardware network, they can also order just about anything you want if you have a little time.

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