One Aldwych Hotel i London

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Det Forenede KongerigeOne Aldwych Hotel



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1, Aldwych, WC2B 4BZ, London, Greater London, GB Storbritannien
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7300 1000
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.5117908, Longitude: -0.11934

kommentar 5

  • Samantha Bailey

    Samantha Bailey


    We found this place by chance as we looking for food as I'm gluten intolerant. We asked if we could have a meal there as there restaurant is gf and dairy free , they said we need to book a table and I was so disappointed. They saw this and got us in and I'm so glad as the food and service was awesome , I felt relaxed knowing the food I was eating wasn't going to make me ill and left feeling satisfied. Highly recommended this place.

  • Andy Fletcher

    Andy Fletcher


    Had dinner at Enoko and was massively impressed. The food was outstanding - Basque influenced. Every bite a true pleasure. The front of house team were brilliant. Attentive enough without being overbearing, knowledgeable and friendly. Would recommend Enoko to anyone and everyone.

  • Sharon McGuire

    Sharon McGuire


    Absolute attention to detail but done in a friendly inclusive manner. Not at all cold and snobbish but still treat you very much as the VIP. The hotel is beautiful. Contemporary design done well with a few quirks thrown in to keep things interesting. The food is first class and deserves a review of its own. With a menu that's dairy and gluten free you'd never know it until someone highlights it to you. Every dish was executed perfectly and served hot (I hate getting cold dishes in a restaurant). Toilets are beautiful and eco friendly with a vacuum system. I didn't stay in a room but I'd love to.

  • Paolo Sacco

    Paolo Sacco


    Great cocktails, wonderfully and elegantly presented. 16£ for a Gin Tonic seems to be a fair price for a hotel bar, but the finger food (abundantly served I must confess) should have given the customer a little wider choice: just olives and nuts. By the way. Great staff, very pretty, polite and friendly. Very elegant contest. A good choice for the style lovers.

  • Alan Yuen

    Alan Yuen


    Visited for afternoon tea, have only heard good things so had to try. Price wise, it is very reasonable for a highly rated venue. Food was very nice and a Charlie Chocolate Factory theme was interesting and unique. They were able to bring extra dishes upon request which was nice, some places would offer this without asking however. Still, highly recommended!

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