Patisserie Valerie i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigePatisserie Valerie



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15, Bedford Court, WC2E 9HE, London, Greater London, GB Wielka Brytania
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7379 6428
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Latitude: 51.5105865, Longitude: -0.1247136

kommentar 5

  • Bex U

    Bex U


    Decent place to rest up cheaply. Pastries were so-so, tea was ok. Service was good. It's a very touristy place

  • elly alexandra

    elly alexandra


    Asked about tea flavours (we wanted to know how earl grey and blue flower tasted different to earl grey which is my mums favourite) and our waiter had no idea. We did have to rephrase the question several times to get an answer as he insisted one had blue flower and one didn't and thought that was enough of an answer before finally admitting he didn't know. We bought three sets of afternoon tea and were shorted a pot of tea. No extra knives for jam and cream so had to resort to using the back of a spoon as our waiter was nowhere to be found. Scones were top notch though! Really enjoyed them wish there were a few more.

  • Dave S

    Dave S


    I go here every day for coffee, service is friendly and personable. Excellent taste! The cakes are incredible as well, and the breakfast croissants. I would highly recommend going along for afternoon tea.

  • Mariano Raíz

    Mariano Raíz


    Very nice coffee and cakes. This company has to review their procedures though, they can be more flexible and accommodating (they make you wait standing up, no matter your circumstances, i.e. being pregnant, carrying a child in your arms or a ton of shopping bags...) And it is the same at every one of their branches. I reckon they can clean the tables while you are comfortably sitting, but they can not see this point now.

  • Ana Escudero

    Ana Escudero


    Good site to have a typical style tea break. Helpful and friendly staff. A little small but with lots of character and English flavor.

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