Premier Inn Norwich Nelson City Centre i Norwich

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigePremier Inn Norwich Nelson City Centre



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Prince of Wales Road, Norwich NR1 1DX, UK
kontakter telefon: +44 871 527 8842
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.6278287, Longitude: 1.3053334

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nell Katra


    Stayed one night on a Monday. Ground floor room. Very quiet bearing in mind the location. Staff very helpful. Nice and clean with plenty of parking.

  • terry chessman

    terry chessman


    Quiet, comfortable and an enjoyable short stay. Reasonable room prices, a very fulfilling breakfast and evening meal at a decent price although alcohol a bit on the expensive side the staff were all pleasant and helpful. And there's plenty to do in the City of Norwich.

  • Warren Stocks

    Warren Stocks


    Self-service check in is fast and efficient. As long as there are no problems. One of my colleagues bookings had an issue requiring assistance. Took a while for someone to arrive at the reception as it's not manned all the time but was friendly when they did arrive. Overall, the hotel was nice and clean. The rooms were a little bit cold at first but, thanks to two portable electric heaters, soon warmed up. Breakfast is OK but not as good as it used to be & showing signs of cost cutting. The location is perfect for the city being right on the river and a short walk from station.

  • en

    Richard Murrell


    As always good quality affordable accommodation. Friendly helpful staff. Very easy access to the city centre and to restaurants and the cinema. Nice to get river views. Fits the bill fur us and our 2 teenagers. Have stayed before and will stay again.

  • en

    Paul Armes


    The premier Inn was perfectly placed for us. It was clean and tidy in the common areas. The bar was spacious and we were served quickly. The room was clean and tidy. It was perfect for our night out. Staff were friendly and helpful.

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