St. James's Park i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeSt. James's Park


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Westminster, London SW1H 0AB, UK
kontakter telefon: +44
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.4994339, Longitude: -0.133641

kommentar 5

  • win task

    win task


    One of my fav Royal park in London city. What a beauty all around. Love lake side area and the view of Buckingham Palace. Colours everywhere in spring season. Has a charm for everyone who came there from differ parts of the world.

  • Javier P.

    Javier P.


    St. James is always a great spot, full of restaurants, hotels, shops, and great atmosphere. This is the home for TFL and the Ministry of Justice but also links with Buckingham Palace.

  • Pearl P Pienaar

    Pearl P Pienaar


    Beautiful park to visit anytime of the year but particularly beautiful in Spring. Get to see the pelicans and remember to take nuts to feed the squirrels.

  • Daniel Mckenzie

    Daniel Mckenzie


    Two exits are available for most of the time, except for the weekends but no step free access available. Trains are frequent but they can get bunched together sometimes. Mobile phone reception is possible here due to the low depth.

  • en

    Trevor Bowyer


    District and circle station with two entrances. Small shopping centre with cafes in the station area. Best station for the park and easy walk to Buckingham palace. Station building is the headquarters of London Underground.

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