The Westwood Hotel i Kennington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeThe Westwood Hotel


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Hinksey Hill, OX1 5BG, Kennington, Oxfordshire, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1865 735408
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.7208042, Longitude: -1.2684635

kommentar 5

  • Ali



    Really enjoyed our stay. Room was warm and comfortable and clean. Staff were lovely and really helpful. Would definitely recommend and return ourselves.

  • thomas butler

    thomas butler


    The rooms in the hotel was nice enough. Although perhaps a little annoying you can hear everyone going in and out of there rooms. However I arrived at 22:45 only to find no one on the desk. And a sign with a number that when you call. No one answers. When you call the main phone number. No ones answers. I kept trying for about 30 minutes. Gave up and left to find another hotel. At 23:38. The hotel called me.

  • en

    Carla Lawrence


    The room was nice if a bit run down, and did not come with a bath as was advertised. It took a lot of effort to actually get the correct dates booked, it seemed like the staff were not paying attention to what I was asking. The TV signal was bad enough to make it unwatchable. The staff were very accommodating, and the bed was extremely comfortable.

  • Erin Rigault

    Erin Rigault


    What a shame! The venue is lovely but the food is dyer! I’ve been a few times to have a coffee and sometimes at breakfast time so sampled the continental! The pastries were solid and biscuits were soft (off). How hard can it be to provide a fresh breakfast and in date biscuits? It’s not great but the location is so handy, plus it has WiFi. I’ve never stayed over so I can’t comment on the accommodation. It’s such a wasted opportunity as a venue.

  • Lisa Clark

    Lisa Clark


    Nice hotel located a little drive away from Centre. Warm welcome on arrival. Room was lovely and a nice comfy bed. Sadly only a shower no bath which would of given 5 stars. Lovely balcony from the bedroom with a nice autumn view.

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