BikeWiseSW Mobile Cycle Repair Workshop i Plymouth

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeBikeWiseSW Mobile Cycle Repair Workshop



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Unit 73 Christian Mill Business Park, Plymouth PL6 5DS, Storbritannien
kontakter telefon: +44 7966 222012
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.415469, Longitude: -4.133716

kommentar 5

  • en

    Martin Potter


    Have had my wife's bike and now my road bike serviced by Leon. Excellent service and pays attention to detail, going the extra mile to ensure everything works just as it should. Will be using his services again for sure!

  • Ryan Smith

    Ryan Smith


    Had an old bike serviced, rides better than when I had it new. Would recommend BikeWiseSW to anyone!

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    Martin Rose


    Fantastic service ,Leon sorted out when my bike failed on the way to work .,kept me on the road that day (loaned parts ) ! ,then serviced and repaired all defects to perfection ! And also showed me riding technic, for gear shifting to prevent future wear ,didn't even know this stuff !! Amazing recommend the bikewise,and the bike man Leon ,thanxs !

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    Adam Riddett


    BikeWise went well beyond the expected level of service in getting my bike serviced and back to near-new condition for a very reasonable fee (service equivalent to Halfords Gold but I wouldn't trust Halfords to do anywhere near as good a job). The service extended to great after-care advice and recommendations for new tyres, and generally Leon has exuded confident, accurate advice and expertise. Forget Halfords, bring your bike here for excellent service!

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    Chris Sample


    I was looking for a mechanic to upgrade my Bianchi that I had owned for 2 years and wanted to improve my ride. I had a poor experience from a local bike dealer who was going to refit my bike and supply all the parts, I lost faith after an awful lot of indecision. I decided to source the parts myself from the net and look for a mechanic to fit them. Leon responded immediately and agreed to come out the next evening and look at the job. He knew what he was talking about immediately. I put my trust in his expertise and he did not let me down. The bike with the new parts surpassed my expectations, the attention to detail that Leon gave my bike was scold to none. I would recommend this guy 150%.

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