Velo Smith Ltd i Plymouth

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeVelo Smith Ltd



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Unit 21, VR62 Valley Road Business Park, Valley Road, Plympton, Plymouth PL7 1RF, UK
kontakter telefon: +44 1752 656760
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Latitude: 50.388036, Longitude: -4.0665936

kommentar 5

  • Max Ogorek

    Max Ogorek


    Amazing. David was a really friendly and helpful guy. Got my bike back on the road and his new fit and fitness centre at the back is cutting-edge. Would recommend to any other cyclists in the Plymouth area.

  • en

    Lawrence Sutton


    Great service with amazing products. If you want handmade items this is the place to get them, other places are available but this one is topnotch

  • Oliver Zab

    Oliver Zab


    Great service, great products. If you want handmade items this is the place to get them.

  • David Mallinson

    David Mallinson


    Bike fit service. Just had my new Ribble 872 fitted. Great friendly service plenty of tea, very knowledgeable and professional. I would recommend them, I will be using their services again.

  • en

    Paul Symons


    David and Josh made a brilliant job of specifying, building and fitting my titanium dream machine. A pleasure to deal with people who are enthusiastic, expert and genuinely want to get you on the right bike. David got a demo machine in for me to ride and once I'd finally stopped wavering on spec the build was done in a timely manner (once the Shimano r8020 supply issue was resolved - very much not Davids fault) and to a high standard. Its very clear that Josh is a bit of a perfectionist, just the type of person you want building your bike. The wheels are a thing of beauty too, clearly built with pride by an expert. Had David's wheel jig not been a bit heavy I would have succumed to tool envy and done a runner with it 😁. If you want to use a bike shop who get it right and know their stuff, Velo-smith is for you.

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