Closed Plymouth i Plymouth

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeClosed Plymouth


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Transit Way, PL5 3TW, Plymouth, Plymouth, GB Wielka Brytania
kontakter telefon: +44 161 762 6868
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.409338, Longitude: -4.150286

kommentar 5

  • Steve Kemsley

    Steve Kemsley


    Carries most consumables you would need for motor vehicle, plenty of parking.

  • Matthew Peterson

    Matthew Peterson


    A modest selection of common motoring products.

  • en

    Rodger Ruse


    I am a regular Motor World customer and, as the owner of a fairly elderly car, I rely on Motor World to keep my car running. The staff at Motor World Plymouth could not be more helpful, polite, professional and approachable. They do more than sell goods - they advise on parts required and actually help to fit them when necessary. I am delighted with the service they provide.

  • en



    Amazing customer service, approached me with kind intents very helpful knew exactly where what I wanted was. The design and lay out of the shop is so easy to follow and simple to remember. This shop is doing very well in its presentation. And I'll be telling my friends to be takin a visit very soon.

  • en

    Nicola McCann


    Complete lack of customer service skills on both occasions I went in there. Have cancelled my order and lost money due to the un helpful staff but I would rather that than have to go in there again and be greated by miserable employees. No wonder Motorworld is closing down everywhere.

nærmeste Cykel butik

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