Hotel ibis Glasgow City Centre i Glasgow

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeHotel ibis Glasgow City Centre


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220, West Regent Street, G2 4DQ, Glasgow, Glasgow City, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 141 619 9000
internet side:
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Latitude: 55.8642973, Longitude: -4.2661111

kommentar 5

  • en

    Allan Marsh


    Some strange omissions here. No hand-towels supplied, nor any tissues and shower-towels looked and felt well used. King bed which was very comfortable and plenty of power outlets.

  • en

    Kyle lynch


    Staff were really friendly and helpful at check in which is always a good start. Rooms could do with being modernised but it was spacious and comfortable. Although the window looked out onto a brick wall we were made aware of this during the check in and were told we could change rooms if we wanted. The stay was definitely worth what we paid and I would return!

  • Louise b

    Louise b


    We really enjoyed our stay all staff really friendly and helpful especially the lady in an office that helped my partner get me a brand new hairdryer after the other one died! The bedrooms need to be more modern felt quite dated! And a very small wardrobe and the bathroom door was difficult to close. The pillows are a bit hard but the bed was so comfy and no noise from outside which was a bonus! The breakfast was yummy lots of guests complained to each other that the milk should be put with the coffee and tea area as it was quite confusing when your half asleep!! In all we would definitely be coming back as it was so easy to get around the city everything was a 10 min walk and we highly recommend the riverside museum which is free.

  • Lauren Goodson

    Lauren Goodson


    Staff were really friendly and helpful at check in which is always a good start. Rooms could do with being modernised but it was spacious and comfortable. Although the window looked out onto a brick wall we were made aware of this during the check in and were told we could change rooms if we wanted. The stay was definitely worth what we paid and I would return!

  • Paul Billany

    Paul Billany


    Great Hotel right in the heart of Glasgow. Very welcoming staff, Rooms clean and tidy. No parking though and on street parking very expensive during the day but free 6pm-8am

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